


Brazilian Butt Lift

Have you heard about the latest innovation in plastic surgery? It’s the Brazilian Butt Lift.

Never heard of a Brazilian butt lift, or BBL as it’s sometimes called? It’s the outpatient procedure that can give you the kind of rounded, full, perky buttocks that you’re used to seeing on models and Hollywood actresses.

The good news is that you don’t need a personal trainer and a chef to achieve this look. With a Miami Brazilian butt lift at Prestige Plastic Surgery, it’s possible for anyone to transform flat, saggy buttocks into something that they’ll love looking at in the mirror.

Are you ready for a Miami BBL consultation? Contact Prestige Plastic Surgery to schedule a one-on-one meeting with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Why are so many women – and men – opting for a Miami BBL? It’s because this single procedure has the power to transform their profile. Because a butt lift involves liposuction from a “donor” area, this surgery is an excellent way to lose unwanted fat from one area and have it safely transferred to the buttocks.

In fact, that is the essence of the entire procedure. The surgeon and the patient decide on a spot on the patient’s body from which excess fat will be removed via liposuction. Common donor areas include the abdomen, hips, thighs, back or other parts of the body where excess fat is stored.

The surgeon then purifies and prepares the removed fat to be transferred into the buttocks. With the injection of fat, the volume and shape of the buttocks are instantly improved.

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Miami Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Miami BBL can be an excellent option for a wide array of patients. In general, it is advisable for people who are considering this procedure to meet criteria such as:

-They are not currently trying to lose or gain weight
-They have sufficient excess fatty tissue in an appropriate donor area
-They have good skin quality, which means that there isn’t a lot of sagging or loose skin
-They have defined waists and buttocks, but lack noticeable roundness and curves

In general, people who have square-shaped bodies with little shape to the hips and buttocks or people who are bothered by multiple rolls on the body are the best candidates, but it is possible that almost anyone’s appearance could be improved by a Miami BBL at Prestige Plastic Surgery. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with a surgeon.

What’s It Like to Get a Miami Brazilian Butt Lift?

Each butt lift procedure is performed right here in the comfort and privacy of the surgery center at Prestige Plastic Surgery. Our state-of-the-art surgery suites have everything that is necessary to ensure a safe and healthy environment in which you will receive superior care.

Allow at least two to three hours for the procedure itself, which is performed under general anesthesia. We recommend that patients plan to spend a few additional hours in our office as they recover from the surgery and the effects of the anesthesia wear off.

Incisions in donor areas and the buttocks are quite small. Typically, they can easily be concealed beneath the bra and panties so that you don’t have to worry about scarring. Because our skilled surgeons are extremely careful when closing incisions, any scars and likely to fade in the months following a procedure.

Recovering from a Miami BBL

Most patients recover from a butt lift procedure within a one- to two-week period. In fact, patients can even sit on the same day that their procedure is performed. However, we recommend that time spent in a sitting position be quite limited on the day of the surgery as it may interfere with the contour of the buttocks.

When patients are recovering from a Brazilian butt lift, they are asked to wear a special garment as they heal. This protects the buttocks and ensures greater chances of a successful procedure.

Many patients who undergo this procedure experience some pain and swelling in the following days. Ask your surgeon to prescribe a pain medication to help deal with this discomfort.

Within a few days, you’ll return to our office to have the bandages removed and to ensure that you are healing as expected. The change to your appearance will be immediate and obvious, but don’t be concerned if your buttocks look even more inflated than you expected. This is common in the weeks and months following a butt lift procedure.

In fact, it can take as long as one year before you see the final results of the surgery. This is because some fat loss in the area is inevitable. Many patients lose between 30 and 50 percent of the transferred fat in the months following the surgery. Knowing this, your surgeon will plan ahead so that you are more likely to receive the results that you wanted.

Keep in mind that the fat that is now in your buttocks can grow or shrink just like the fat elsewhere in your body, making it possible to further transform your appearance without surgery.

Ready for a Consultation?

Your journey toward a Miami Brazilian butt lift begins by contacting Prestige Plastic Surgery. We’ll schedule a consultation at our Miami cosmetic surgery center at a time that is convenient for you.

During the consultation, you’ll meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can discuss all of the possibilities of the BBL procedure with you. The consultation also may involve questions regarding your health history and your desired outcomes so that you and your doctor can reach a mutually agreeable treatment plan.

Don’t wait to get the lifted, firmer buttocks that will help you fill out those form-fitting pants that you’ve been dying to wear. You can transform your body and your future by having a Brazilian butt lift at Prestige Plastic Surgery.

Contact us today to find out more about the revolutionary BBL procedure and how it can change your life.


Brazilian Butt Lift

Have you heard about the latest innovation in plastic surgery? It’s the Brazilian Butt Lift.

Never heard of a Brazilian butt lift, or BBL as it’s sometimes called? It’s the outpatient procedure that can give you the kind of rounded, full, perky buttocks that you’re used to seeing on models and Hollywood actresses.

The good news is that you don’t need a personal trainer and a chef to achieve this look. With a Miami Brazilian butt lift at Prestige Plastic Surgery, it’s possible for anyone to transform flat, saggy buttocks into something that they’ll love looking at in the mirror.

Are you ready for a Miami BBL consultation? Contact Prestige Plastic Surgery to schedule a one-on-one meeting with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Why are so many women – and men – opting for a Miami BBL? It’s because this single procedure has the power to transform their profile. Because a butt lift involves liposuction from a “donor” area, this surgery is an excellent way to lose unwanted fat from one area and have it safely transferred to the buttocks.

In fact, that is the essence of the entire procedure. The surgeon and the patient decide on a spot on the patient’s body from which excess fat will be removed via liposuction. Common donor areas include the abdomen, hips, thighs, back or other parts of the body where excess fat is stored.

The surgeon then purifies and prepares the removed fat to be transferred into the buttocks. With the injection of fat, the volume and shape of the buttocks are instantly improved.

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Miami Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Miami BBL can be an excellent option for a wide array of patients. In general, it is advisable for people who are considering this procedure to meet criteria such as:

-They are not currently trying to lose or gain weight
-They have sufficient excess fatty tissue in an appropriate donor area
-They have good skin quality, which means that there isn’t a lot of sagging or loose skin
-They have defined waists and buttocks, but lack noticeable roundness and curves

In general, people who have square-shaped bodies with little shape to the hips and buttocks or people who are bothered by multiple rolls on the body are the best candidates, but it is possible that almost anyone’s appearance could be improved by a Miami BBL at Prestige Plastic Surgery. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with a surgeon.

What’s It Like to Get a Miami Brazilian Butt Lift?

Each butt lift procedure is performed right here in the comfort and privacy of the surgery center at Prestige Plastic Surgery. Our state-of-the-art surgery suites have everything that is necessary to ensure a safe and healthy environment in which you will receive superior care.

Allow at least two to three hours for the procedure itself, which is performed under general anesthesia. We recommend that patients plan to spend a few additional hours in our office as they recover from the surgery and the effects of the anesthesia wear off.

Incisions in donor areas and the buttocks are quite small. Typically, they can easily be concealed beneath the bra and panties so that you don’t have to worry about scarring. Because our skilled surgeons are extremely careful when closing incisions, any scars and likely to fade in the months following a procedure.

Recovering from a Miami BBL

Most patients recover from a butt lift procedure within a one- to two-week period. In fact, patients can even sit on the same day that their procedure is performed. However, we recommend that time spent in a sitting position be quite limited on the day of the surgery as it may interfere with the contour of the buttocks.

When patients are recovering from a Brazilian butt lift, they are asked to wear a special garment as they heal. This protects the buttocks and ensures greater chances of a successful procedure.

Many patients who undergo this procedure experience some pain and swelling in the following days. Ask your surgeon to prescribe a pain medication to help deal with this discomfort.

Within a few days, you’ll return to our office to have the bandages removed and to ensure that you are healing as expected. The change to your appearance will be immediate and obvious, but don’t be concerned if your buttocks look even more inflated than you expected. This is common in the weeks and months following a butt lift procedure.

In fact, it can take as long as one year before you see the final results of the surgery. This is because some fat loss in the area is inevitable. Many patients lose between 30 and 50 percent of the transferred fat in the months following the surgery. Knowing this, your surgeon will plan ahead so that you are more likely to receive the results that you wanted.

Keep in mind that the fat that is now in your buttocks can grow or shrink just like the fat elsewhere in your body, making it possible to further transform your appearance without surgery.

Ready for a Consultation?

Your journey toward a Miami Brazilian butt lift begins by contacting Prestige Plastic Surgery. We’ll schedule a consultation at our Miami cosmetic surgery center at a time that is convenient for you.

During the consultation, you’ll meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can discuss all of the possibilities of the BBL procedure with you. The consultation also may involve questions regarding your health history and your desired outcomes so that you and your doctor can reach a mutually agreeable treatment plan.

Don’t wait to get the lifted, firmer buttocks that will help you fill out those form-fitting pants that you’ve been dying to wear. You can transform your body and your future by having a Brazilian butt lift at Prestige Plastic Surgery.

Contact us today to find out more about the revolutionary BBL procedure and how it can change your life.


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